Asbestos Services

Asbestos is a proven human carcinogen, all forms of asbestos can cause cancer.  Asbestos causes cancer in a dose-dependent manner.
The greater the exposure, and the longer the time of exposure, the greater the risk of developing an asbestos-related disease.

We provide both residential and commercial assistance in dealing with Asbestos.

Removal of Class A Asbestos – Assessment (4 Stage) and Clearance
In compliance with NZ Regulations, an independent assessment of asbestos removals must occur. This service is a comprehensive inspection process from the start to finish of Class A asbestos removal. I&A will consult with you and the removal company to ensure your home/business is safe to occupy, and your needs are met.

As per the NZ regulations and ACOP, Class A asbestos removals must be assessed by an independent licensed asbestos assessor.

  • Prior to the removal starting, I&A attend site and perform a thorough check on all parts of the removal enclosure and setup to ensure your home/business will remain free of asbestos.
  • Each day of removal, control air monitoring is carried out around the removal enclosure to check for any issues.
  • Once the removal is complete, a thorough inspection of the entire enclosure is conducted. I&A then perform the “disturbance inspection” to issue clearance.
  • Once the disturbance results have passed, we attend once more to ensure the site has been left clean and clear.

 $900, + Control air monitoring $495/day

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Consulting for Asbestos Projects
I&A are specialist environmental consultants. We excel in solving complex problems for our clients. Your project may require an asbestos consultant to be brought on to create bespoke proposals and scopes of work. We can do that, and more!

Asbestos Consulting comes in many forms. I&A also deliver training and presentations at consulting rates. We offer the following consulting products, and more if you need.

  • Scope of Asbestos Removal consulting and production. This service provides your project with a clear and concise scope of works, which communicates the regulatory needs and project needs in one place.
  • In-person consulting meetings. I&A will send its top asbestos assessors to meet with you at your office / site to discuss in depth asbestos issues for your organisation.
  • General consulting, site visits and additional time spent to complete projects.

Rates $160/hr. Bespoke Projects

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Management of ACM’s for Workplace or Rental
Your place of business will require an asbestos management plan and associated asbestos survey to be available for all who would work at, or perform services to your building. I&A offer a comprehensive suite of services to compliment any workplace or rental. 

Asbestos in the workplace is an ongoing challenge for landlords. I&A intend to help make this challenge a lot smaller, with only a few steps.

  • All good asbestos management plans (AMP’s) start with a good management survey.
  • I&A can perform a management survey, or work with your existing management survey to develop the AMP.
  • The AMP is created by assessing the every-day risk of the asbestos in your building. I&A work with the property owner, management and persons working on-site to create a priority scoring for each asbestos item, then produce a management strategy accordingly.

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Sampling of suspected asbestos containing items
Do you think your popcorn ceiling has asbestos in it? Let’s answer the question. I&A can attend and safely take discrete samples of different products in your building. The sample area is sealed once sampled, and analysed by an IANZ accredited laboratory.

Sampling of asbestos is a risky business. I&A recommend that samples be taken by competent individuals who follow the ACOP processes, and have surveying experience to ensure the correct results are obtained.

  • Samples are taken from locations to guarantee an accurate answer.
  • All sample points are taken discretely and encapsulated to ensure no asbestos is released.
  • The sample is analysed, and a sample report is provided for the items inspected.

$200 first sample, $75 each additional

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Scope of Asbestos Removal (SOAR) documentation
I&A are proud to provide the industry with their SOAR services. For many projects, conveying the requirements where asbestos is involved gets messy. Our SOAR service provides a clear and simple product, which explains what and how the asbestos is to be delt with in compliance with the ACOP and project needs.

Our SOAR’s are a premium product, which incorporate many different project requirements into a single document. The focus is asbestos removal and associated works, combining other factors into the mix to ensure the everyone has the full picture.

  • Comprehensive establishment for large projects ensures nothing is missed. 
  • Ensures removalists have a direct understanding of the clients needs going into the job.
  • Sets an end goal for the removal or related works, in which I&A attempts to reduce the variations to scope of works to as low as possible. This keeps projects cost on target by identifying any possible issues before they arise.

$160/hr for site visit and production time

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Asbestos in Soils
In history, asbestos containing materials have been damaged. If a large amount of asbestos was damaged and fell to the ground, the soil may have become contaminated with asbestos. I&A proceeds with the BRANZ inspection process for soils, and can provide full remediation reports for brownfield sites, fire damage and natural disaster sites.

Soils services require an upfront discussion in order to determine what the history, current use and end goal is. Type of soil sample, number of samples and depth all depend on the needs of the project.

  • I&A follow scientific and advised processes in taking samples for the report.
  • Our recommendations are fair and reasonable, we work with you to determine the final outcome that is reasonably practicable.

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Asbestos Survey
For most, the start of the asbestos journey is getting an asbestos survey carried out. I&A have a wide range of experience in residential, commercial and industrial surveying. We provide comprehensive survey reports which are tailored to your needs.

Not all survey types are the same. For building projects, a refurbishment / demolition survey is legally required. Our survey services provide a clear picture of what is there, and how to manage the findings.

  • Asbestos Management Surveys for business and homes – general, surface level inspections with a full report.
  • Targeted Refurbishment Surveys for when your project requires a limited scope destructive modification to the building. I&A investigate thoroughly to ensure the risk for asbestos is identified before it becomes a hazard.
  • Full Demolition Survey for when the building is coming down. Ideally the property will be vacant.

Starting from $400, $75 per sample 

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