Environmental Services

Illenberger and Associates provides a comprehensive range of products and services for its diverse range of clients. We cater to the environmental consulting needs of residential, commercial, industrial  and national clients.

We have experience in large-scale research and development projects involving the environment, from a multitude of different disciplines.

Complex Environment
At I&A, our passion is for the environment. Our knowledge and experience can be combined to find solutions to many different challenges. I&A offer bespoke consulting options for the unique challenges which we face, whether it be toxic waste left behind by a tenant, or microplastic in the ocean, we are keen to Make Earth Great Again!

The end goal of the environmental consulting service is to answer a question, reach a milestone, make our grandchildren proud for acting now!

  • Research based approach to problems, I&A will access literature prior to performing, and after site inspections.
  • Bespoke investigations for complex environmental issues.
  • Comprehensive engagement with client and stakeholders.
  • Years of experience amongst our staff, combining many kinds of environmental science.
  • You can trust that I&A will take pride in our work, ensuring that the project is achieved, whether it is ice, rain, ocean, lake, mountain or hill. We will go above, on or beneath it to get the data.


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Lead Testing of Materials and paint
Lead was added to many different materials used for building in the past. It can be a contaminant in soils, in paint and other building elements. Lead levels in water and soil can have negative effects on the health of those who are exposed to it. Lead is most toxic when ingested. Our service covers investigations for a wide range of potential lead.

Lead metal was an additive for many building products, and used as a product to make water pipes, roofing flashing and various other products where its properties were useful.

  • I&A can investigate thoroughly for contamination of lead, lead based paint and other locations where lead is present.
  • Bespoke investigations can be conducted for water and soils.
  • Comprehensive consulting during the process.
  • Prices vary based on which tests are required.
  • Research based approach, following scientific method.

$420 (including 2 samples) for Residential tests.
Commercial bespoke.

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Methamphetamine screening and testing
Unfortunate as it is, our properties and homes may be subject to exposure to methamphetamine consumption or production. Get the best protection for your investment by having it screened for meth between tenants. We offer a range of services from screening to individual samples.

The current standards are 1.5 micro grams / 100cm2. We offer screening services to get a yes/no answer but can follow up if there is a problem. I&A recommend a composite of individual samples for the first test, and screening thereafter in between tenancies.

  • Individual samples can be taken. $75 / sample.
  • Composite of individual sample offers start at $299.
  • I&A can attend sites for reinspection and clearance certification if a decontamination has occurred.
  • We offer fair and discrete service.
  • 3 day turnaround from day of attendance.

Screening from $225

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Mould Inspections, sampling and reports
One of the many parts of the environment we have to live with is the microscopic type. Sometimes the microscopic is able to become larger than life… Mould and fungus are one of the things we specialise in understanding, and can create a detailed report of exactly how, where and why there could be growth. We can deal with Black mould too.

Not all mould is toxic. And sadly, sometimes it cannot be dealt with, as it is a part of life. Luckily, I&A can answer most questions regarding fungi growth, ensuring your home/workplace remains safe and healthy.

  • Comprehensive inspection process to identify mould growth source, type and solutions.
  • Sample analysis from accredited laboratories which provide a clear picture of the type, and condition of mould. I&A can explain any result.
  • Optional extras for air samples to check for spores.

Starting from $575
(1 sample included)

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Soil Sampling and Investigations
The profile of soils is complex and changing. We cover services for ecological systems, farming environments, industrial contaminants and brownfield sites. The services cover upfront consulting to ensure the issue to be investigated is understood and that the research and testing outcome covers your needs.

Not all soil is contaminated to toxic or problematic levels. The overall approach that I&A follows is a scientific method, meaning the product you receive at the end is comprehensive, clear and based off of research specific to your site.

  • Soil samples vary in cost based on the tests required. I&A will provide you with a comprehensive list of options for testing.
  • Our background in environmental science allows us to consider factors outside of the results, providing insight into causes and solutions for issues.
  • Clear process of inspection is provided prior to attending site for complex issues.


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Water Testing and Reporting
Our services for water testing include a wide range of options for your needs. The service involves consulting to determine the intended outcome, then providing a clear strategy that will be followed. We can cover ocean, river, runoff, lakes, drinking, wastewater and catchment waters. Physical contaminants can be collected as well. We Dive.

Each water project is dependent on your needs. I&A will communicate with laboratory services to ensure that your needs are met for the project.

  • We conduct research and provide a clear method prior to taking samples.
  • Bespoke investigations for complex systems.
  • Comprehensive consulting during the process.
  • Years of experience amongst our staff, covering different forms of water systems.
  • Prices vary based on which tests are required.


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